What are the emotional meanings of each space in your home?

What are the emotional meanings of each space in your home?

Each place in your home reflects not only how we are, but also how we feel. And there is a subconscious belief behind each object you own based on neuroscience, and bioenergy.

If you are a sensitive person, you can perceive an emotion from your surroundings. Your home shows how your family system is and how it behaves, according to psychology and neuroscience.

Did you know that criminologists study the correlation between living spaces and the criminal in question? This way, they can analyze the behavior of individuals, from a whole perspective.

Two things happen in our homes; we project our feelings into the home, and another is introspection, which shows that the vibe in your home can transform you. These two are what we live inside our home.

Now, to explain what the emotional meaning of each space is, let’s start with the entrance. Remember, you are welcoming all the energy into your home here, including abundance, so it must be welcoming. Having plants and natural objects create a welcoming space and it is the contact between the outside and inside, so it is most important.
The entrance inside your home represents the energy of your family, along with the family’s communication style is clearly shown here. So, it must have light and be well ventilated, without blockages.

Your living room represents harmony or disharmony in your home. It is very important to have natural and soft edges within this space to allow space for harmony. Your kitchen represents the wealth area of your home. It is imperative that your sink is always clean, and it represents is the flow of water (or money). The point where the family flows as well! Why do you think there’s so many sayings connecting money and water: liquidity, flow of income, make it rain, etc.

The bathroom is a place where in most eastern cultures belief to represent directly how the person is inside. Or as some people say, “The bathroom of a restaurant reflects the hygiene of a kitchen”. So, keep that in mind next time you have guests.

Moving along to the bedroom, this is a sacred space, when you sleep you repair and transcend. It needs to be a place that is well taken care of, because this is where you renew every night. Some tips for better quality of sleep include keeping the head of the bed away from the door. Not exercising or working in the bedroom, as this is something that is stealing your energy. Same with utilizing electronics, as they affect the energy and quality of your sleep.

And finally, we have the garage. If you and your family are the kind of people who hoard or put away all the things you don’t have space for here, this is a subconscious representation of all your emotions and family secrets and issues you are not ready to deal with and want to hide away. If you’d like to learn more about how a clean space would affect your emotions positively, you can contact us by calling or filling out the form located here.

Amidst the chaos of life, let your home be a crystal gentle dance of flames and the energy of creating a haven of pure serenity and magic.

Michel Clarck

Our Crystal Energy Grids Service

Create energy grids using crystals that resonate with the fire element. Incorporate stones like citrine, carnelian, and clear quartz to amplify the fiery energy, fostering a sense of motivation, creativity, and empowerment.

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  • That extremely painful or again that is there anyone.

In conclusion, a Crystal Home is not merely a dwelling; it’s a conscious choice to live with intention and create a haven that resonates with your true essence. Unleash the fire within, and let the crystalline magic guide you on a journey of tranquility and pure serenity.